News — reminder
Back in stock items and a reminder
Posted by Aishah Alian on

INVENTORY UPDATE! We have increased A LOT of our anime figures compatible with Lego. A lot of your favorites are BACK IN STOCK! Go to our website REMINDER! Please don't forget to check out our comic book figures compatible with Lego. You only have until TODAY to make your purchase. Once sold, these figures will no longer be restocked. We look forward to seeing y'all in Fayetteville Comic Con this weekend.
- Tags: anime, announcement, blog, ebay, Fayetteville Comic Con, figures compatible with Lego, inventory, kitty in the box, last chance opportunity, LEGO-compatible products, limited time offer, low cost items, merchandise, minifigs, minifigures, NC, new, news, non-anime, online shopping, online store, reminder, sale, shopping, stocked items, store news, update, updates
Last Chance Opportunity!
Posted by Aishah Alian on

Hello, everyone!We are offering this LAST CHANCE OPPORTUNITY to purchase ALL of our non-anime and Asian figures compatible with Lego. These awesome figures will only be available to the public until June 15. Once sold, these figures will never be restocked in the future, so DO NOT MISS THIS CHANCE.Please order here at our website and make sure to take full advantage of this amazing opportunity.Thank you so much for being such great customers and we hope to see y'all very soon next week at Fayetteville Comic Con.
- Tags: announcement, Asian, blog, Fayetteville Comic Con, figures compatible with Lego, kitty in the box, last chance opportunity, LEGO-compatible products, limited time offer, low cost items, merchandise, minifigs, minifigures, non-anime, online shopping, online store, reminder, sale, shopping, store news, update
Holiday Shipping Issues
Posted by Duston Barto on

We know many of you are frustrated with delays in packages. We are too! We have had such wonderful relationships with our local post office employees and have never seen any problems until the last few weeks. Lately we have been checking status updates like this.While USPS in general is suffering massive delays (see this article by the Washington Post), our local distribution center is particularly hard hit. Greensboro, NC has made national news for the postal gridlock it is experiencing due to federal and state Covid restriction guidelines and staffing level issues.Unfortunately there is NOTHING that we can...
- Tags: announcement, blog, covid19, delay, FedEx, holiday, kitty in the box, NC, new, news, North Carolina, online shopping, online store, pandemic, policy, post, postage, Postal Service, PSA, reminder, shipping, shipping delay, shipping issues, shipping policy, shopping, store news, update, updates, UPS, USPS
Store Update! More products now available here!
Posted by Aishah Alian on

STORE UPDATE! MORE ITEMS are now available on our online store. We have also added a new collection TRANSFORMERS. We just uploaded Transformers, various music CDs, Playmobil Back to the Future Delorean set, Fruits Basket and other wonderful collectibles. Expect more updates coming your way ready for your early Christmas shopping.Transformers Collection HERE
- Tags: anime, announcement, blog, Fruits Basket, kitty in the box, manga, music, NC, news, North Carolina, online shopping, online store, post, reminder, shopping, small business, store news, Transformers, update
Anime Review: Missing Hiromi Tsuru for nearly two years.
Posted by Aishah Alian on

Throwback post from our Facebook page in 2018. Tomorrow's episode of Dragon Ball Super episode 128 will feature the final recording of Hiromi Tsuru as Bulma. As we all mourned the death of our beloved voice actress Hiromi Tsuru three months ago; this final appearance of Bulma is bittersweet. In this article, the official statement from Toei Animation via the Official Dragon Ball Super social media accounts, Aya Hisakawa has been confirmed as the new voice for Bulma in future movies and Dragon Ball series. Aya Hisakawa is well known among the Anime community as Sailor Mercury and Kero from...
- Tags: 2018, anime, blog, Dragon Ball Super, facebook, Hiromi Tsuru, kitty in the box, post, reminder, review, throwback