Why cons are waiting for a legal "act of God" before canceling

Posted by Aishah Alian on

Heya Kitties, we haven't talked very much about what is going on behind the scenes. The reality is that we had a pretty busy schedule planned for 2020 but the closures that started on March 14th have rolled well into June now.
We love our fans and customers, so we wanted to share this article that explains why so many cons wait until the last minute to cancel.
The bottom line is that most cons are run as nonprofits and they cannot afford the massive loss they would take if they initiated the cancellation. However, the government forced closures to get them off the hook and they either get refunded or the money is rolled over to a future date.
Please stay with us, we will be letting everyone know when cons resume for us.
In the meantime, stay safe, and love one another.

Here is the link to the article. 

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